How can I download and/or print my campaign?

It is possible to save a campaign as a PDF file, allowing you to share it externally. This can be very valuable, for example, if you want to receive feedback on your campaign. You can also print the campaign if you wish to keep a physical copy. Imagine you have just sent out your first campaign and would like to frame it. Here’s how you can do it:


Take note:

  • This feature is only available for campaigns built with the Email Designer
  • This feature is available in campaign index and campaign preview mode


Downloading and/or printing a campaign

  1. Click on 'Campaigns' in the tab on the left 
  2. Click on the campaign that you want to save and/or print
  3. Click on 'Test and preview' in the top right corner of your screen
  4. Within the 'Test and preview' menu, click on 'Desktop view' to get a visual overview of the campaign
  5. Here, you can choose between two types of previews:
    • HTML
      This option includes the campaign with all images it contains
    • Text
      This option will download the text-only version of the campaign
  6. Choose the type of preview, and click on 'Print' to save and/or print the campaign
  7. The browser's native print options will appear. Choose your print settings and click on 'Print'
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