How do I delete contacts?

This feature is only available in the menu in MailBlue accounts created before 22 February 2022. However, all accounts (including those created after February 2022) can access the functionality by adding /app/list-cleanup after the account URL.

With the List Cleanup Tool, you can easily delete groups of contacts. You can find the tool by navigating to 'Contacts' > 'List Cleanup'.

In this article, we will show you how to use the List Cleanup Tool.

You can use the tool to:

  • Delete all contacts with the 'Active' status from the selected lists.

  • Delete all contacts with the 'Unsubscribed' status from the selected lists.

  • Delete all contacts with the 'Unconfirmed' status from the selected lists.

  • Delete all contacts with the 'Bounced' status from the selected lists.

  • Delete all contacts with any status from the selected lists.

  • Delete specific contacts from the selected lists.

When contacts are on multiple lists, they will only be removed from the lists you have selected. They will remain on the other lists.
When contacts are only on the lists you have selected, they will be completely removed from the system.

Please note: All actions with the List Cleanup Tool are permanent. Contacts that are deleted cannot be recovered. We recommend exporting these contacts as a precaution.


Using the List Cleanup Tool

  1. Export the contacts.
  2. Click on 'Contacts' in the menu and then on 'List Cleanup'.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 09.20.06.png

Then you have the option to delete contacts based on status or to delete specific contacts.


Deleting contacts based on status

  1. Click on the dropdown menu next to 'Lists' and indicate from which lists you want to delete the contacts. You can delete multiple lists at once.
  2. Click on the 'Status' dropdown and select the status. You can only select one status.
  3. The 'Before this date' field ensures that only contacts that received this status before a specific date will be deleted. For example: if you want to delete contacts that bounced before 1 November 2022, enter 1 November 2022 in this field. Click on the field and enter the desired date.
  4. Click on 'Delete' and confirm your action in the pop-up window.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 09.22.12.png


Deleting specific contacts

  1. Enter the email addresses you want to delete in the 'Bulk Deletion' text block. Use a comma between the email addresses when entering multiple ones.
  2. Click on 'Select' and indicate from which lists these contacts should be removed.
  3. Click on 'Delete' and confirm your action.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 09.25.33.png

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