Link tracking ensures that it can be registered when a contact clicks on a hyperlink in your campaign or automation email. By registering this, you gain insight into the activities of contacts. This information can be used to measure the effectiveness of your emails and the level of engagement of subscribers. Additionally, you can also use link tracking to segment contacts.
In this article, you will learn more about the following topics:
Activating link tracking
Link tracking is automatically enabled for all campaigns and automation emails that include a hyperlink. You can disable this in the email summary if desired. If it is not enabled, you can also activate link tracking here by toggling the switch to 'ON'.
It's important to note that link tracking only works for hyperlinks that start with http:// or https://. Therefore, it is not possible to track a click on a link if email addresses or personalisation tags (e.g. %FIRSTNAME%) are used.
Using link tracking
Data collected from link tracking can be used to segment contacts and/or display targeted content. You can use the data for:
- If/else steps: With an if/else step in an automation, you can create a split based on certain conditions. In these conditions, you can work with the 'has clicked on link' condition to follow up with contacts based on their actions.
- Goal steps: With goal steps, you can read actions of contacts to progress them in the automation. You can specify 'has clicked on link' as a condition.
- Advanced search: With 'advanced search', you can identify contacts that meet a certain condition. You could use 'has clicked on link' to identify which unique contacts have clicked on the chosen link.
- Conditional content: With conditional content, you can ensure that content blocks in a campaign or automation email are only visible when a contact meets certain conditions. You can use 'has clicked on link' as a condition.
- Deal and lead scores: With deal scoring and/or lead scoring, you can follow up with contacts and reward them based on actions taken. You can use 'has clicked on link' as an action.
Link tracking reports
In the main menu of MailBlue, you will find the 'Reports' section. From here, you can find targeted link tracking insights for each sent email.
For every campaign you send with link tracking, the number of unique clicks is tracked. You can see this number of unique 'Clicks' when you open the report of a sent campaign.
From the screen above, you can dive even deeper into the reporting regarding link tracking, as you can also see specifically on which link has been clicked. This can be done by clicking on 'Clicks' in the screen above.
In the so-called 'Link Click Report', you will see the different hyperlinks included in the campaign and how many times each individual hyperlink has been clicked. Additionally, you will also obtain insights on the unique number of clicks, the total number of clicks, and the average per contact.