Facebook Custom Audiences integration

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With this integration, you can link multiple Facebook Ads accounts to your MailBlue account. The connection allows you to;

  • Use the action in an automation to add or remove contacts from a Facebook Custom Audience(s).
  • Use the condition builder within an automation to segment contacts in MailBlue that have been added to or removed from a Facebook Custom Audience.

Link your Facebook Ads account with MailBlue

1. Navigate in your MailBlue account to 'Settings' (gear icon) > tab 'Integrations':


2. Click on 'Add an integration' in the top right corner of the screen:

3. In the screen that appears, click on the option Facebook.


4. If you are not already logged into your Facebook account, you will be prompted to log in. Enter your Facebook login credentials and click 'OK' on each screen where your confirmation is requested.

5. You will be redirected back to your MailBlue account to complete the connection. Click on the drop-down to select which Facebook Ads account you want to link with MailBlue. Then click on the blue button at the bottom right to complete the linking.


6. You will receive a confirmation on the next screen. You can choose to add another Facebook account using the green button at the bottom left, or click on the blue button 'Done' at the bottom right.

Your integration will now be available on the connected integrations page and will be enabled by default:


All 'Custom Audiences' of the 'Customer List' subtype from the linked Facebook Ads accounts will be synchronized to your MailBlue account from the moment the connection is established.

You have the option to use the automation actions 'Add to Facebook Custom Audience' and 'Remove from Custom Audiences' right away.

If the integration with Facebook is disabled, contacts will automatically skip a Facebook Custom Audience action in your automation if they end up in their automation path.


Manage Facebook Custom Audiences

After connecting Facebook with MailBlue, you can manage the linked Facebook Ads accounts in MailBlue. To do this, click on the Facebook account and then on the 'Manage' button:


In the screen that appears, you can;

  • Enable or disable the integration using the toggle

Clicking on the toggle under 'Status' will enable or disable the connection with the respective Facebook Ads account. If the status is 'Off', contacts encountering a Facebook Custom Audience action in an automation linked to this account will be skipped. You can re-enable the toggle at any time.

  • Synchronize Custom Audiences:

This will synchronize all Facebook Custom Audiences from the linked Facebook Ads account to MailBlue. You can click on this when you have created a new Custom Audience in Facebook and want to synchronize it immediately to MailBlue.



Add and Remove Contacts from Facebook Custom Audiences

Now that you have set up the Facebook Custom Audience integration, you are all set to use the automation actions 'Add to a custom audience for Facebook' and 'Remove from custom audience for Facebook'. These two actions are located under the 'Contacts' section:


Only contacts that reach one of these steps in your automation will be added to or removed from the Facebook Custom Audience you specify.


With this automation action, you can select to which Facebook Ads account and Custom Audience you want to add your contacts when they encounter this action in your automation.

By clicking on the link 'Create a new custom audience for Facebook', you can create a new custom audience directly from your MailBlue account.



There are different types of custom audiences that Facebook offers.

The newly created audiences are of the 'Customer List' type. This is the most common type of 'Custom Audiences' offered by Facebook.

When a contact is added to a Facebook Custom Audience through this action, a recent activity notification will appear on their individual contact profile page.


The recent activity notification shows which audience and automation they have been added to.


'Remove from Facebook Custom Audience' automation action



With this automation action, you can select from which Facebook Ads account and Custom Audience you want to remove your contacts when they encounter this action in your automation.

When a contact is removed from a Facebook Custom Audience through this action, the following notification will appear in the recent activities on their individual contact profile page:



The recent activity notification shows from which audience they have been removed and what the automation action contains. To use any of these conditions:

1. Locate where you want to use either action from your automation builder.

2. Click on the plus sign (+).

3. A pop-up window will appear with "Add new action". Click on Contacts.

4. Click on the Facebook Custom Audience automation action you want to use.

5. Select the Facebook Ads account and custom audience to which you want to add or remove contacts.

6. Click the "Save" button.


Facebook Custom Audiences segmentation conditions

With this integration, two segment conditions are available:

1. Is in Facebook audience
Shows all contacts added to the custom Facebook audience you specify.

2. Is not in Facebook audience
Shows all contacts removed from the custom Facebook audience you specify.

These two segment conditions are located under the "Actions" category:



Please note: Only contacts added to or removed from your Facebook Custom Audiences through automation actions will appear in the results.

Contacts added to or removed from your custom Facebook audiences outside of these two automation actions will not be displayed in the results.












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