How do I use message variables in MailBlue?

With message variables, you can create reusable content blocks that you can easily insert into your campaigns and automation emails using a personalisation tag. This is ideal if you frequently use the same content in your communication. In this article, you will learn how to get started with these variables.

How do I create a message variable?

  1. In the 'Campaigns' menu, click on 'Message Variables'.
  2. Type the name of your message variable in the 'Personalisation Name' field. The name you assign to your variable is internal only and only needs to be something you recognise. For example, if you want to create a variable for a signature, you can name it 'Signature'.


  3. Enter the personalisation tag you want to use for this message variable in 'Personalisation Tag'.


  4. Next, specify which lists you want to link these message variables to. This way, you can restrict this variable to a specific list. This means that only the contacts on the list will see the variable. You can select more than one list by holding down the SHIFT key.


  5. The final setting is a drop-down menu where you can choose between 'HTML' or 'Text'. 'HTML' means that you can only use this variable in your HTML emails. 'Text' means that you can only use this variable in your plain text emails.


  6. You can then start to give content to this message variable using the 'Visual Editor' or the 'Code Editor'.
  7. When you are done, click the 'Add' button at the bottom to save the message variable.

How do I use a message variable?

You can insert a created message variable into a campaign or automation emails by placing it as a personalisation tag. After creation, all message variables will be included in your personalisation tag overview, making it easy to insert them without having to search for the specific tag. In this article, you can read more about inserting personalisation tags.

Please note: When you insert a message variable in an automation email, the content of that variable will be displayed for all receiving contacts. It does not matter if they are subscribed to the list selected for the variable.

Variables cannot be used in:

  • one-on-one emails, sent from shared records, contact profile pages, or contact overview pages
  • Opt-in confirmation emails
  • Email subject lines

How do I adjust a message variable?

When working with a campaign or automation email that uses a campaign variable, you can adjust its content from 'Manage Variables'. Modifying this content will affect all emails where this campaign variable has been added and will not be changed at the email level. This means you only need to make an adjustment once to have it visible in all emails using this variable.

There is no limit to the number of variables you can create in your account.

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