How do I create a connection with the SYS platform?

You can easily connect SYS Platform and MailBlue to send your leads and customers from your website to MailBlue.

How do I connect MailBlue to SYS?

  1. Go to the dashboard of your SYS Platform website.
  2. Go to Settings and click on the Integrations tab.
  3. Enter the API details of your MailBlue account here (this article explains where to find your API details).
  4. Choose the list where you want your customers to subscribe by default.
  5. Click on save.

Need more help? Also check out the more detailed articles in the SYS knowledge base.
Or ask SYS Platform for help via the red help button in your SYS dashboard.


Connect giveaway and send leads from SYS to MailBlue

  1. Open or create a new page for your giveaway in the SYS editor (SYSitor).
  2. Place a form element in the desired location.
  3. Click on ActiveCampaign under actions after submission.
  4. Open the ActiveCampaign tab and link Name and email address to the correct fields in MailBlue.
  5. Optional: Assign a tag to the contact to trigger an automation.

Start automation in MailBlue after customer purchase of product via SYS website

  1. Open or create a product via Dashboard -> Products.
  2. Go to Advanced and assign the desired tag to the ActiveCampaign tag field.
  3. Save the product.
  4. Create the automation in MailBlue and set it to start based on the same tag.


TIP: Don't have a SYS website yet? Did you know that you can request a free website analysis at SYS where they provide tips and feedback on your website? Click here to request your website analysis>

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